Sunday, November 15, 2009

I got an email from Paddy with some very interesting links. Paddy is a friend traveling to Dublin later this month and we plan to pay a visit to the Waldorf barbershop. Paddy and I had been discussing our favorite show "Mad Men". Mad Men has definitely set trends in terms of men's and women's fashion (skinny lapel suits, skinny ties, "Joan Holloway" dresses, etc.). Well the show has inspired a lot of guys with the haircuts, which are sharp and masculine. Here are some great links:

This is the look I like (in terms of both haircut and dress sense). Being a World War II veteran he has a more classic style than the other guys in the advertising agency:


A VIntage Crafting Fashion Fairy said...

Don Draper, no words are needed, yes of course he is no angel but when you look that good!! I am delighted to hear you will aided the male population of ireland to follow in his style footsteps.

Dewitt Albright said...

Yes he certainly has become a style icon. That's for sure!